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Posted on: 11/11/21

Some people are cursed with areas of stubborn body fat that just won’t budge, no matter how much they exercise, or how healthy their diet. That’s when body sculpting can help!

Stubborn fat is physiologically different from regular fat and therefore requires a different type of treatment to remove it. If you’ve tried all the recommended ways to rid your body of stubborn fat, yet can’t seem to achieve smooth, tight and toned skin, perhaps it’s time to get a little helping hand. You work hard on your body, so there’s no shame in using available new technology to rid your body of those last few pounds and finally getting that refined appearance you’ve always wanted. 


Body sculpting—or body contouring as it is also referred to—is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that can help achieve the body of your dreams without having to spend hours sweating it out in the gym and without going under the knife. 

Many areas of the body can be targeted with body contouring such as unwanted bulges around the abdomen, thighs, bottom, upper arms—essentially anywhere you’d like to see reshaped.  

Due to the fact that it can be performed quickly, with minimal discomfort and downtime, it is growing in popularity with celebrities and regular joes alike. Celebrities including Kristin Davis, Molly Sims, Kris Jenner, and Gretchen Rossi have all been outspoken about their support of BodySculpting.


There are several different body sculpting treatments, all of which work in a similar way by breaking down fat cells that are eventually flushed out of the body over the course of a few months. 



Whether or not you experience pain during the treatments will largely depend on your pain threshold. What is painful to one person might only be uncomfortable to another, but you can expect to experience a stinging or burning sensation during some of the treatments. Unlike their surgical equivalents, they don’t require anesthesia, there’s no downtime and most can be done in your lunch break from work! However, keep in mind that you are likely to require more than one session depending on the area being treated. 


Body sculpting is non-invasive, which means there is no cutting of the skin involved in the procedure. However, as with any cosmetic procedure, there are always elements of risk that must be taken into consideration before undergoing the procedure: 

Common side effects:

Redness, swelling and bruising around the treatment area

Tingling, stinging or aching for a couple of weeks afterward 

Reduced sensation in the targeted area

Bear in mind that these side effects are temporary and won’t stop you from going about your day-to-day routine immediately after treatment. 

Many people opt to get a helping hand in achieving their ideal body. If you feel that body sculpting might be the right procedure for you, make sure to research the different options, and find an experienced, trusted professional that will take the time to answer all your questions to ensure you are completely comfortable before committing to the procedure 

Many people opt to get a helping hand in achieving their ideal body. If you feel that body sculpting might be the right procedure for you, make sure to research the different options, and find an experienced, trusted professional that will take the time to answer all your questions to ensure you are completely comfortable before committing to the 

Benefits of Treatment

What Are the Benefits of RF Facial Skin Tightening?

The two most visible benefits provided by this treatment are tighter skin and a smoother surface – meaning fewer wrinkles. But RF therapy is versatile, so you can also expect an improvement in sun damage. Studies show that after three months of RF treatment, patients saw clinically significant improvements in mild to moderate signs of sun damage.

This is great news for those with photoaged skin; treating dark spots, sagging, and other effects of the sun is notoriously hard to do. Most people think aging is the only culprit behind collagen degradation, but the sun is even more vicious. The ability to reverse UV damage is, therefore, nothing less than revolutionary, and RF technology does precisely this.

Facial Contouring

Before we get further into this subject, let’s take a look at how skin ages. Below the surface, in those depths invisible to the eye, a collagen and elastin scaffolding supports the dermis and epidermis. This structure keeps your skin supple, bouncy, and firm. From age 25 on, however, we lose between 1 and 2% of our natural collagen each year. This is an effect of the body’s processes gradually slowing. In turn, the scaffolding grows weaker and crumbles.

To make matters worse, the cells on our skin’s surface (the epidermis) don’t renew as quickly as in our youth. The results are dullness, sagging, wrinkles, and textural issues. Radiofrequency comes to the rescue, not only tightening skin, as mentioned earlier, but also restoring contours to create toned, firm, youthful-looking skin. This firming action makes RF especially well-suited to the chin, neck, and jawline. It can also be used to tighten:

• Sags between the nose and mouth

• Bags and wrinkles under and above the eyes

• Drooping brow lines

Gradual Improvements to Your Face

We’ll discuss this more in a moment, but RF treatments work to produce new collagen and elastin in the body. With these effects, old and damaged skin is replaced by that which is new and healthy. These cells are also naturally firmer and tighter, but they don’t develop overnight. You won’t look one way on Thursday and look completely different by Friday or Saturday.

Most patients desire gradual improvements because they want to look like themselves, but better. They’re looking for subtle improvements over dramatic changes, and RF delivers these exact results.

Softens Fine Lines

Treatment also softens fine lines that are just pesky enough to add years to your face. Each subsequent session builds upon the last so that as you move forward in your treatment plan, you’ll look progressively younger.

Long-Lasting Results

Thanks to increased collagen and elastin production, the improvements to your skin will be long-lasting. Some facial treatments only stimulate facial muscles or temporarily plump tissues; RF, on the other hand, triggers the skin’s internal healing processes, and collagen is inherently made to last. Your results can therefore continue up to two years.

Increases Hyaluronic Acid (HA)

HA is the unsung hero of skincare. It also works
Increases Hyaluronic Acid (HA)

HA is the unsung hero of skincare. It also works in tandem with collagen and elastin, so where those two fibers increase, HA is sure to follow. This means that with RF treatments, you can enjoy softer, silkier, and better-moisturized skin.

HA molecules naturally attract and bind to water molecules. It’s therefore a key component of your skin’s natural moisture barrier, and ramping up levels can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, soothe redness, and help skin look plumper.

It Can Be Completed at Lunch

The average session lasts between 20 and 45 minutes. We apply a protective gel to your skin to facilitate treatment. The handpiece is then moved across your face with deft efficiency. And your treatment is unique to you; we customize the depth of thermal energy to ensure we meet your individual needs.

Relaxing and Pain-Free

One of the most appealing aspects of RF therapy is its non-invasive and gentle nature. While the energy heats and ultimately tightens tissues, it does so without damaging your skin’s top layer. And for patients who hate needles, RF omits them as well as other scary-looking tools for a treatment that is very non-threatening.

Patients describe sessions as relaxing and enjoyable, comparing them to a hot stone massage for the face. Some even fall asleep. Likewise, no downtime is required so you can get straight back to your day; you don’t need to hide your skin or go home to recover.

What Is RF Therapy?

This is a two-part answer; first, therapy is electromagnetic radiation delivered at a specific frequency range, also known as radio waves. Electromagnetic radiation surrounds us, coming from such sources as lightning, the stars, the sun, and our bodies. They span quite a range of frequencies and wavelengths. Frequency relates to the number of cycles formed in one second and is measured in Hertz; a wavelength describes the distance between two wave peaks.

Second, we divide radio frequency into bands ranging from low to high. Low frequencies, such as those used for sending data and voice communications, travel longer distances. High frequencies, on the other hand, transmit just a short distance. Higher frequencies are those used to treat the human body in both medicine and aesthetics.

RF Currents and Your Body

RF currents flow through cells and tissues without shocking the body, unlike other electrical currents. Our nerves maintain electrical charges of their own. Any outside electrical source affects them, which is why an electric shock induces pain and makes our muscles twitch.

An RF current travels too rapidly to produce these effects. It moves at the speed of light, meaning muscles and nerves don’t even register it. But our cells conduct RF currents and use them as part of their own electrical circuits. RF therefore moves freely through tissues, and any sources of resistance generate heat. The amount of heat created depends on the specific tissue reached.

The Effects of Treatment

During treatment, RF stimulates structures under the skin, and the heat produced causes targeted, controlled damage. Heating skin to around 152
Effects of Treatment

During treatment, RF stimulates structures under the skin, and the heat produced causes targeted, controlled damage. Heating skin to around 152 degrees F prompts the best results, and in turn, collagen and elastin both undergo degradation. This is a complex way of saying they unravel and immediately cause the collagen matrix to shrink and contract. The skin then lifts and tightens to deliver a more youthful appearance.

Meanwhile, your body enters a healing mode just as it would after suffering a skin cut or other wound. Fibroblast cells found in the skin’s deepest layers produce brand new collagen and elastin fibers. This increase is known as dermal remodeling and works to:

• Improve skin’s elasticity

• Erase lines and wrinkles

• Tighten and firm tissues

• Improve skin’s overall texture and volume

Added Bonuses

The heat generated during treatment also increases cell metabolism and helps detoxify tissues. At the heat temperatures we achieve, blood vessels widen to increase blood flow and feed cells with more oxygen and nutrients. All that fresh, healthy blood flowing into your face also removes waste products like carbon dioxide. The effect is hard-working cells that provide an energy boost for dermal remodeling – and overall healthier skin.

All the Evidence You Need

RF facial skin tightening is not a treatment we hope delivers results; clinical studies prove it’s one of the most effective ways to achieve smoother and more youthful-looking skin. In a USA-based study, clinicians saw visible results in participants’ skin, and the subjects were likewise highly satisfied with their improvements.

Researchers in Korea mirrored these findings. They found RF therapy safely and effectively reduces scarring, promotes collagen synthesis, and treats the signs of aging. Brazilian researchers also concluded RF treatment stimulates collagen production.

The Protégé Elite

Our office uses the Protégé Elite for RF facial skin tightening. Not only is this device safe and effective, but it also employs the latest technology in aesthetic treatments. Treatment is easy, does not require pain medication or numbing cream, and floats over the skin’s surface with the sensation of a warm roller ball. And we keep the tip constantly gliding over your skin in continual waves and circles to ensure a consistent treatment in all spots.

This device is a workhorse and can:

• Shrink jowls to reveal your true jawline

• Target crow’s feet

• Whisk away smile and worry lines

• Smooth wrinkles and creases

Frequently Asked Questions

We know you’re wondering about the number of treatments you’ll need. With the Protégé Elite, we usually recommend a series of three to four sessions spaced between two and four weeks apart. Maintenance sessions are encouraged every year or every other year to help maintain your results.

Who Is Treatment Right For?

Any man or woman who wants to sculpt trouble spots without pain or long periods of downtime. But others can also benefit from RF treatment; it’s suitable for most people as it helps invigorate the skin and deliver a healthy glow. That glow is owed to increased collagen; to understand, imagine the shiny cheeks of a child, dewy with fresh collagen. This effect can be replicated at nearly any age with treatments that amplify the protein’s levels.

Why Skin Types Can Have RF?

Treatment is designed for all skin types, including those with sensitive and dry tissues. It boosts oxygen levels in the skin, so it can freshen your appearance at any time. But those with certain conditions should sit this one out, including patients who are pregnant and/or have:

• Active acne

• Rosacea

• Broken capillaries

When Will I See Results?

Earlier, we mentioned your face will gradually look softer and more supple. While we can’t provide a precise timeline because everyone responds to treatment differently, we can say you’ll start to see improvements within several weeks. Results will also continue to develop in the coming months.

Is Treatment Safe?

The answer is a resounding yes. In fact, RF facial skin tightening is much less risky than more invasive treatments. The technique has earned FDA approval, and the Protégé Elite produces no unwanted effects on the skin.

The Treatment That’s Good for You

RF facial skin tightening is actually good for your skin. Without injections, scalpels, or incisions, it repairs tissues from the inside out for a clearer and brighter complexion. And treatment is safe for men and women of all ages who want to rejuvenate their appearance

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